Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pillow Talk

This is my most favorite time of the evening: the time when my husband and I lie in bed and talk before he drops off into a dead sleep. Tonight he has me laughing, because on Animal Planet they are capturing an 11 foot alligator in Florida. We are due to leave in five days for vacation in the Sunshine State and based on the program, he believes we are due to find ourselves an appetizer one late night for this prehistoric creature. My husband is many things but brave is not among them. My heart opens and I laugh uproariously because when God made my husband, he broke the mold, which is why I love him so. He is truly one of a kind and we were blessed to find each other when we did. I was walking through Lincoln Center Library and he was watching me through the stacks. The short story is that 21 months later we were married at a church in Brooklyn. The long story is that I never dreamed that I had that kind of luck.

His one lament is that we did not meet each other sooner, so that we could populate our home with six or seven kids. We are blessed to have one. I am in a way the brains of the operation, and I tell him that it was the plan of the guy upstairs that we meet when we were ready for each other. Three or four years earlier and it would not have worked because we were not ready for each other.

I am pleased to get what I got when I got it. My only regret is that we did not have more children. A basketball team would have been more to my liking, but I am immensely happy with the one I have. We were given a once in a lifetime chance, and it all fell into place.

My daughter is well beyond that stage where she waits to be tucked in, and her stuffed animals to sing good-night to her. Right now, even though it is late, she is probably IM ing her friends before she calls it a night. I am still on duty, as mommies always
are, and it is my duty to make sure the teeth are brushed, the doors locked before I can lay my head on the pillow and call it a night. I am always on the case. I like that.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, that is so touching. It sounds like a love at first sight story. What was your first date like?

    When did you start your blog? I know it takes a while to get it up there but with the quality and honesty of your writing, you will have a following in no time. I mean, I'm hooked and I only found you a couple of days ago! I'm adding your blog to my blogroll on my sidebar, a lot of people discover new blogs from other folks this way. Rock on!
